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hiya, im just here to make a small update on the direction of this site and stuff.

basically im back in school for my senior year which will certainly be a hell of a ride, considering university admissions and everything, not to mention i havent been doing too well mentally (nor physically really as my cfs has already flared up from the first week only) but thankfully i have my amazing wife by my side...

also im going to be taking a compsci exam this fall which will count towards my uni admissions as well so i have that to prepare for right now. at least its on a topic i actually enjoy unlike my other final exams still left after, but admittedly its still pretty hard to keep up with next to my depression and executive dysfunction lmao. web development is a potential topic for the exam too which i think is really cool:3 along with a lot of internet and compsci history which is big..autism..

but as for this website, i have many more ideas to implement and also a redesign in mind for the main pages, like the index and about for example, which is really wish i had more time to work on as of now but really i have no way of knowing when ill be able to complete it for sure. in the meantime i might start putting up more blog posts at least. theres one i wanted to finish by the end of the summer, about reviewing games made for an itch.io game jam but ive been pretty slow on that too. i usually like to play a lot of shorter games when taking a break from studying or after im finished for the day, but lately either i just dont do any of that or if i manage to do so-called productive things (as if its not a concept only applicable through the eyes of capitalism) then i just try to sleep, fail because i have insomnia, then do low brainpower stuff like watching youtube shorts (i am not immune to short form content) and playing mobile games like flow free.

but yeah if ur still here thank you for reading and have a nice day:)